Why Casino Apps Are Fantastic

Marry James

Do you enjoy going to inos? While some may consider casino apps to be a waste of time and money, there are numerous reasons why they are beneficial. These applications have something for everyone, from the excitement of the games to the opportunity to have some fun. So, if you’re […]

What causes error “Strings cannot be added or subtracted in dialect 3”

Marry James

I have the query: WITH STAN_IND AS ( SELECT ro.kod_stanow, ro.ind_wyrob||’ – ‘||ro.LP_OPER INDEKS_OPERACJA, count(*) ILE_POWT FROM M_REJ_OPERACJI ro JOIN M_TABST st ON st.SYMBOL = ro.kod_stanow WHERE (st.KOD_GRST starting with ‘F’ or (st.KOD_GRST starting with ‘T’) ) AND ro.DATA_WYKON>’NOW’-100 GROUP BY 1,2) SELECT S.kod_stanow, count(*) ILE_INDEKS, SUM(ILE_POWT-1) POWTORZEN from STAN_IND […]

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