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Preparing for University as a Wheelchair User

Preparing for University as a Wheelchair User

Preparing for University as a Wheelchair User

The transition from high school to university can be a difficult experience for everyone. It’s even more challenging for wheelchair users as they might be moving away from loved ones, which can be tough too. But don’t worry – we have advice on how you can prepare yourself before starting your first year of studying at university. In this post, we give you ideas on what you should look out for as you transition into higher education. Here is what you should do as you proceed to campus.

Find Out More About Student Housing

Before you head off to university make sure that the dormitories are accessible. Most universities have dormitories equipped for wheelchair users, but in smaller universities it may not be so. Send an email or visit the school and find out what they are offering. Here are some of the things you should look out for:

After the first year, most students move out of the hall of residence and seek private housing. It’s therefore important that you are aware of the surroundings. You need to check whether there are rental properties that are accessible from the university. Look out for the below:

If there are rentals that cater to wheelchair users then talk to the university management. They will be able to provide accommodation for your stay and help with any needs that arise during this time.

Get Assigned To A Disability Advisor

You need your advisor more than you realize. Not only will they be a fountain of knowledge and help, but he or she can also get you access to special disability programs at the university. They will be able to advise on the best programs or grants for wheelchair users. For instance, some universities provide the disabled with a laptop or an iPad.

Getting advice from your university’s advisor before you start university will be a big help. It will be easy to navigate life and the school environment from an informed position. Also, they will be able to help you in case of any issues that may arise. For example, if you need more time to take your exams, it’s best to speak to your advisor.

Find Your Tribe

University is one of the best places to meet and make friends. Finding your network and forming groups will make your time at university feel all the more special and also give you a group of people who are there if anything goes wrong.

University is an eye-opening experience and it will undoubtedly change your life for the better. As a wheelchair user, you must be well prepared so that your experience is smooth.

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